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Previous Pups
If you would like your pup to be featured on this page, PLEASE email us your favorite pictures! We would love to see them along with future customers!
Reggie-Kolby and Bentley
Brandi-Penny and Nash
Murray-Kaiya and Riggs
Willow-Navi and Bentley
Richard-Kona and Bentley
Penny-Sammy and Bo
Henry and Russel-
Mocha and Bentley
Henry-Mocha and Bentley
Doug-Kaiya and Riggs
Cookie-Rae and Bentley
Cooper-Navi and Bentley
Howie-Reese and Goose
Kaia-Kona and Bentley
Gunner-Penny and Bo
Winston-Luca and Bentley
Sadie-Kaiya and Ace
Louie-Kaiya and Ace
KC-Mocha and Bentley
Finnegan-Kona and Riley
Bella-Kona and Riley
Camper-Sammy and Archer
Maggie-Sammy and Bentley
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